May 31, 2024 - 05:31 AM
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May 31, 2024 - 05:31 AM
We’ve provided several answers to questions related to Polished Stainless Steel (Coin Edge) Bezel for Orient Kamasu Watches #B16-P , see some other helpful Q&A related to this product.
Question: Do the B15-P and B16-P fit the Orient Kamasu 2 RA-AA0811E19B?
Answer: Yes, the Island Watch bezel, B15-P and B16-P, will fit the original Kamasu (RA-AA00) as well as the newer Kamasus (RA-AA08).
Question: Does the Orient kamasu bezel B15-P fit the Orient RN-TX0203S chronograph?
Answer: Sorry, it does not. We do not have a bezel for this watch.
Question: is it comming with the bezel insert ?
Answer: No, you need to purchase one. Any SKX007 sized insert will fit.
Question: Will this fit the Orient Kanno RA-AA0915R19B
Answer: No, it is for the Kamasu only.
Question: How thick is the bezel and the finished overall height once installed compared to the original?
Answer: The bezel thickness is 4.0mm
I do not have one on hand, installed, to measure overall.
Question: Hi, will this fit the Orient Mako Chronograph? Model RA-TX0202B10B
Answer: No, it will not.
View all Polished Stainless Steel (Sub-Style) Bezel for Orient Kamasu watches #B15-P Questions & Answers